Wednesday, December 21, 2011

3) Swapping two numbers without using a temporary variable  

void main()
int a,b;
printf("enter any 2 nums to swap");
printf("\n nums before swapping are a=%d and b=%d",a,b);
a=a+b; //statement 1
b=a-b;  //statement 2

a=a-b;  //statement 3 
printf("\n nums after swapping are a=%d and b=%d\n",a,b);

Lets Take an Example and try to solve see how it really works 
lets say a=2,b=3;

 statement 1
a=a+b  now lets substitute our values and try to evaluate the expression
So at the end of  the statement 1 a's value is 5

statement 2
So at the end of the statement 2 b's value is 2

statement 3 
a= 5-2 ( remember a's value is still 5 from our first statement) 
So at the end of the statement a's value is 3 

Mission Accomplished now a=3 and b=2
